Welcome to the inside of my wandering mind!
I love obtaining new knowledge and making connections between different areas of my learning, especially when what I've learned really resonates with the experiences of my clients.
What follows is a number of pages that include some thoughts I have on various topics. I wanted to include these thoughts so you could get an idea of what my interests are as this is sometimes helpful in choosing a therapist. Additionally, some of the pages include access to a few of the handouts that I use regularly with clients, which you may find to be useful resources.
I love obtaining new knowledge and making connections between different areas of my learning, especially when what I've learned really resonates with the experiences of my clients.
What follows is a number of pages that include some thoughts I have on various topics. I wanted to include these thoughts so you could get an idea of what my interests are as this is sometimes helpful in choosing a therapist. Additionally, some of the pages include access to a few of the handouts that I use regularly with clients, which you may find to be useful resources.